MyTown energy

Leadership requires vision beyond current politics. Future generations will look back on us with admiration and respect only if we have invested in sustainable energy management in our homes, in our city facilities, in our businesses, in our schools.

Residential Energy Management

It just makes sense to reduce the cost of energy in our homes. Some of the savings requires nothing more than paying attention to how we use energy. Turn off lights and appliances when not in use. Keep the thermostat at comfortable but not excessive levels. Recycle and eliminate waste of materials and water. That is the start. But we can also make smart investments to better manage energy. Click on the image left to see ways to do that.

Though there are many incentives to invest in energy management, the requirement for certification and complexity in filing of forms may seem an obstical, especially with the fast pace of life in our modern world. That is why it makes sense to seek professional help. The cost is minimal and the savings can be substantial. We will connect you with local Green Energy Professionals who are qualified to provide the audtis, certifications and plannning needed to optimize energy management for your residence.

Municipal - Commercial & Schools Energy Management

As my neighbor said recently," I don't mind paying taxes. I just like to know what I am paying for." According to census data Mount Vernon has @ 4500 residents or 1800 households. Yearly revenue and expenditures each are now hovering around $9.5 million. This amounts to about $5300 per household. The revenue comes from property taxes, service fees and debt, as well as from taxes we pay to federal and state agencies. Though the tax rate on property might stay the same, assessment of property value keeps rising. The only way the city can grow revenue is to increase taxes and fees. That is why it is essential for citizens to be involved in discussions of how that money is spent and how much new debt to take on.

Again this is not a put down on current city administrators. They are admirable people. But the city business should also be the business of its citizens. Every business needs a board. The city council and mayor act on a political level. Beyond politics, there is a need for independent analysis of city budgets. Today we have the technology to do that. We have access to audited data on local government from the State's Department of Management. Our effort is to apply technology and independent analysis with fairness and focus on shared community values to debate priorities. That is our sole purpose in presenting this commentary and the content on this site.

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